Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ong Bon Pagoda, Cholon, HCMC

Last Sunday afternoon, i rode bike to sketch in Saigon as usual. Instead of riding to District 1 (central area), i rode to Dicstrict 5 - is called Cho Lon (mean the big market in Vietnamese) - the largest Chinatown in Vietnam with roots dating back to 1778. It's also a place of great historical and cultural importance.

My aim was to arrive Binh Tay market - the largest market in Saigon but i lost way. So i stopped on sidewalk and saw the pagoda on the opposite side of the street. The pagoda's features interesting Chines-Buddhist style architecture interiors with courtyards, altars and paintings.

I walked around and talked with a man to get some informations about the pagoda. Then i sketched a facade. He seemed interested in my sketch. Then he told me about Buddhistic, his habbit of sketching. After that, i sketched a portraint for him as a special gift. And we still keep in touch each other.
The sketch was finished at home

Ong Bon pagoda, District 5, HCMC

Original sketch

Mr Tien with his gift

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sunday sketch 21-07-2013

There are many different types of buildings in Saigon's developmental progression

Location: Dong Tay boulevard, District 1, HCMC

Saigon riverside

Monday, July 15, 2013

Saturday sketch (13/07/2013)

Benthanh market
Location: Hochiminh city, Vietnam

Saigon river
Sunset riverfront

View from HuynhThucKhang street

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sketching while waiting for the bus

This my first sketch which  i posted on Urban sketchers community. After that, i received many likes and compliments from global members. So that they encouraged me to sketch and to be more confident at work and i was so happy to heard about that.
I drew this sketch while waiting for the bus. Location: Bienhoa city, Vietnam.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The sketches about Duc Ba church, Saigon

The quick sketch on the sidewalk next to Duc Ba church.

Front view on the church

Friday, July 5, 2013

Saigon in my sights

Hochiminh city has another name Saigon, closely name in Vietnamese.
I sketched all these sketches on last Saturday.
Duc Ba Church definitely has to be on your must-see list, when you arrive in Ho chi Minh City

This building is an inspiration to all of artists
Post office building is next to Nha tho Duc Ba, District 1, Hochiminh city.

There are difference types of building in Saigon's development processing.

Bienhoa church, Dongnai province, Vietnam

After work, i left my office and rode motobike to Bienhoa church, Dongnai, Vietnam and drew this sketch. The place is not far from my office .This is the first test with watercolor of mine.